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Addidoku review: Addictive number puzzle game for iPhone
Addidoku is new puzzle game that has some similarities to Sudoku, but is also very different. In each level, you are presented with a several numbers set in a broken up grid. The goal is to group the numbers so that they add up according to the rules of the game. Each number can only be in one group and each puzzle has only one solution.
So what exactly are these rules? Well, in each group of numbers, all of the numbers (except for the biggest number) must add up to the biggest number. For example, the numbers 3, 2, 6, 1, form a group because the sum of 3, 2, and 1 is 6. You can also pair numbers, like two 5′s, because 5 equals 5. The numbers 4, 3, 5 do not form a valid group because 4 plus 3 does not equal 5.
Only numbers that are adjacent to each other can form a group. This means that if a number is diagonal to your group or separated from your group by a space, it cannot be added to your group.
That's it! The rules are simple, but the levels are challenging. Even though they're challenging, they're completely doable which makes the game extremely addicting. Because each level can be completed in a reasonable amount of time, you are always willing to play "just one more".
The Good
- Challenging
- Addictive
- 60 puzzles for free
- 140 additional puzzles available as in-app purchase
The Bad
- None
The Conclusion
Addidoku is such a fun and addicting puzzle game! The object is both familiar and unique at the same time. It's also challenging — something I find essential in a good puzzle game. It took a lot of self control to pry my hands off my iPhone to write this review.
Now excuse me while I play "just one more level" of Addidoku.
Free – Download Now
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Oliver Yatco
I hate to break it to you but 3+2+1+1=7 not 6. You have one too many 1′s in your example.
Yeah. I fail. Fixed…
Not to mention it's the "sum" of the numbers, not the some.
I get it. The sum of 3+2+1 is 7 and 6+1 is 7 which is why 32161 can be grouped. This isn't clear from the way this is written at all.
No. I just screwed up my example. There should've been only one 1.
Regardless of the 'error,' great find! Been playing for the past hour. I love puzzle games. Any other suggestions??