Sunday, October 21, 2012

So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

85922510 520x245 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

Whether you are looking to switch careers and become a full-time programmer, want to try to build a website or app on the side, or are just looking to round out your skill set, learning to code has certainly been something a lot of people have started to do lately. And while being a programmer might not be for everyone, there is a lot to be said about gaining a better, more educated view of how all those pixels get moved around all those screens.

Before we delve into our list of learning resources sites, we wanted to share some advice from Marissa Louie, a self-taught product designer for Ness Computing. A former startup founder, Louie told TNW that the hardest part of being self-taught – whether it's design, programming, or any other discipline is, "gathering the courage. The most important barrier is just to overcome your fears" (she also said having the ability to follow instructions helps as well).

Louie said that once you attain the basic skills, the best thing to do is just jump in and try to give yourself custom tasks, and build experience on your own through lots of trial and error.

So with that sound advice in mind, let's move to our in-no-particular-order list of learning resources (if you have more suggestions, PLEASE list them in the comments!).

1. W3 Schools

W3Schools Online Web Tutorials 520x129 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

One of the most straightforward free options to learn basic web development both on the client and server sides – especially useful when learning HTML and CSS (a great resource when you just can't remember that CSS property you need to use).

2. Google Code University

Google Code University Google Code 520x93 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

It's Google and it's code, so yeah, it's a pretty solid free resource, and obviously a good one if you are interested in Android development. Has some more advanced topics as well including distributed systems and web security.

3. Mozilla Developer Network

Learn How to Make Websites MDN 520x201 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

Mozilla knows a thing or two about what makes a good website run, and it's put together a free learning center that includes work written by the the network and also by other sites, like…

4. HTML5 Rocks

Just in case you were wondering, it kind of does. The site has a lot of free info on HTML5, including blog posts, and tutorials.

5. The Code Player

Learn HTML5 CSS3 Javascript video style tutorials TheCodePlayer 520x217 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

The Code Player is a great way to get a real sense of the ebbs and flows of coding (while learning stuff too). It's kind of like being able to look over the shoulder of a programmer while she works.

6. Codecademy

Learn to code Codecademy 520x220 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

Codecademy was made extra famous at the beginning of this year when NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg tweeted out that he was going to use the site to learn to code in 2012 (wonder how he's doing?). Regardless, Codecademy is a popular and free site that adds gamification to the learning process if you want to learn with friends. Codecademy also runs CodeYear.

7. Khan Academy

Another "academy", Khan Academy offers lots of courses beyond programming if you are looking to be a Renaissance man/woman – but if you're just looking to code, it has that too.

8. General Assembly

Education General Assembly 520x123 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

General Assembly takes a different approach by offering livestream (paid) sessions on topics like "Rapid Prototyping: From Wireframes to HMTL" – you buy an e-ticket on Eventbrite, get a password, and tune into the livestream when it happens.

9. PeepCode

PeepCode Programming and Development Tutorial Screencasts for Web Developers and Alpha Geeks 520x220 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

PeepCode covers a lot of programming languages, providing downloadable (paid) screencast lessons.

10. Eloquent JavaScript

ejs1 220x290 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

Eloquent JavaScript is actually a book that is completely online for free (or you can buy the ebook on Amazon). From the author's intro: "JavaScript is the language that is, at the moment, mostly being used to do all kinds of clever and horrible things with pages on the World Wide Web."

11. Ruby Koans

If learning Ruby (and this is Ruby, not Ruby-on-Rails) is what you're looking for, Ruby Koans has a free tutorial, promising to "walk you along the path to enlightenment in order to learn Ruby."

12. Learn Code The Hard Way

Learn Code The Hard Way started with the book (free online) Learn Python The Hard Way and has branched to add other languages including Ruby and C.

13. Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow 220x70 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

While it technically doesn't have "tutorials" there is a ton of (easily searchable) info on Stack Overflow that can be of great help once you get going. Also, if you ever get stuck on something (and the answer isn't already there) the community is very good at answering questions.

14. Coder Dojo

Coder Dojos are places were young people can get together to learn to code, so if you're a parent that's thinking of setting your kid on the Path to Instagramum, you might want to see if there is one in your area. The site also has a knowledge base put together by  its instructors/volunteers, but it is relatively limited.

15. O'Reilly

OST Logo 220x44 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

Beyond the many many books that O'Reilly publishes, the company also offers (paid) online courses on many different programming languages.

16. Scratch

Scratch Home imagine program share 220x69 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

Again, if you are a parent, Scratch is a free downloadable program developed by the MIT Media Lab that helps young kids build interactive stories.

17. Apple Developer


If you're interested in developing for Apple products, it's a great idea to head over to to Apple's developer site to see what all the fuss is about and learn from the resources Apple has made available online.

18. Android Developer

dac logo So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

Google's Android developer site continues to improve, and includes videos from Google i/o as well as section that goes over best practices for designing apps.

19. Mobiletuts+

tuts 520x173 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

Mobiletuts+ has free tutorials/blog posts on Android and iOS as well as other mobile-centric needs such as design and also has a premium (paid) service as well.

20. Udemy

Online Courses from the Worlds Experts Udemy 520x304 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

Udemy offers courses (some free, some paid) on a wide range of subjects, and boasts instructors including Mark Zuckerberg and Marissa Mayer.

21. Code School

Courses Code School 520x123 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

Code School offers courses and screencasts for a monthly no-contract subscription, and also has a few free courses as well.

22. Bloc

Bloc Online iOS Rails and Design Courses 520x199 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

Bloc promises to teach you to "become a web developer in 12 weeks." For a hefty fee, Bloc will team you with a programmer mentor that acts like a personal fitness trainer throughout your learning. For the price tag, it probably makes sense to make this your full-time job for three months if you go this route.

23. Treehouse

Learn Web Design Web Development More Treehouse 220x137 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

Treehouse has over 600 videos that you can watch for a monthly fee, as well as a premium subscription that offers more features.

24. Programr

Programr takes a different line to learning code: you build stuff until it works. Check out our in-depth interview with Programr creator Rajesh Moorjani.

25. Processing

processing cover 220x35 So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 25 ways to learn online

While it has taken on an open source life of its own for visuals, Processing started out as a way for people to learn programming (in fact, Programr above has integrated it as well).

Well, hopefully this list will get you started in the right direction towards achieving your coding goals, but we'll leave you with one more word of advice from Marissa Louie to give you a kickstart: "Don't settle for anything less than exceptional."

Image Credit: Martin Oeser/Getty Images

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