Saturday, April 28, 2012

Facebook adds names to Timeline Friend photos, makes it easier to find new friends

Facebook adds names to Timeline Friend photos, makes it easier to find new friends

5886225374 c57c6c1966 z 520x245 Facebook adds names to Timeline Friend photos, makes it easier to find new friends

Facebook has made another minor change to users' Timeline profiles, incorporating a new design for Friend listings that include both a person's name and profile photo, making it easier for other users to make new connections via their existing connections.

The update appears to have rolled out over the past 24 hours, ensuring that when a user visits their friend's Facebook profile, the Friends box immediately draws the their attention:

Screen Shot 2012 04 28 at 10.21.21 Facebook adds names to Timeline Friend photos, makes it easier to find new friends

Before, friends were listed but a user had to mouseover the person's image to view their name on the resulting popup.

You could argue that Facebook's new design has elements of Microsoft's Windows Phone/Metro interface, a layout that is both simple but effective at encouraging users to click through to other people's profiles and expand connections.

Facebook recently increased the size of Timeline profile images, just days after Google updated Google+ profiles to sport a larger photo. It appears that Facebook has been working to make the most of images on the social network, helping with the identification of its users and driving interaction between them.

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Oliver Yatco

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